
About Us

My name is Julia Pentecost, and I am the owner of Green Living by Design. I have 24 years of experience serving residential clients throughout the Greater Cincinnati Area. In those years I have learned that most clients I meet are looking for low maintenance, beautiful landscapes and outdoor living spaces. To achieve this, each project needs to be thoughtfully designed using more sustainable practices and maintenance concepts. This is why I started Green Living by Design.


What does GLBD do to promote sustainability?

Green Living by Design priorities the well being of future generations by selecting plants that will have longevity for years to come, building using natural materials whenever possible, and sourcing materials from local sources. We use the best possible maintenance practices for plants to reduce their vulnerability to disease and insect problems. Lastly, whenever possible, we use organic treatments over harsh chemicals to reduce our carbon footprint.


What do we mean when we say “Enjoy the Green Life?”

Let us help you enjoy a more green environment! We can fill your space with lush plants and trees. Green Life means outdoor living spaces that are welcoming and bid you to come out and enjoy. We use organic fertilizers to create a safe place for you and your family.  Whenever possible we select battery powered equipment over gas for a more pleasant experience for you and our shared environment.